Friday, June 5, 2009

News of the Weird: Herschel

Herschel Walker has played football in the USFL, participated in the Winter Olympics via the US Bobsled Team, performed with the Dallas ballet, wrote a book about being bat sh*t crazy and appeared on Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice.

So nothing he does should shock you. The latest might be Mixed Martial Arts. Per Peter King's Twitter Page:
Herschel Walker told us on Sirius today that he's going to do a real, live MMA fight in Vegas this year. He's a big MMA fan.

Herschel: "I'm still doing 2500 to 3500 situps a day. And 1500 pushups.'' What an interesting American life.
After one of our readers sent us the above link, I hit the Googles. Here's an article on from today on this topic. Did it ever cross your mind to compete?

H.W.- Oh yea, it’s crossed my mind a great deal. I do so many crazy things and people are always saying I’m doing crazy things, and you always want to measure what you can do. One thing I like about Pride that I said earlier, I competed in Trite abroad and I’ve been on the Olympic bobsled team and I said that’s how you measure just how good you are, being up against everybody in the world and that’s what Pride does. They bring everyone out in the world to compete and if you’re going to say you’re the best in that weightclass, then get it in and see what you can do.
Yes. He's an odd dude. But he's OUR odd dude.


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