Thursday, June 25, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed. I'm ready to go.

You can't imagine how ready I am to blow off the next few days at work, here, at home, etc. Don't worry, I won't be hiking the Appalachian Trail, visiting my Argentina mistress, or paying my respects to Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett or Ed McMahon.

Although anyone my age and up should provide a moment of silence for that red one piece of Farrah's. And frankly, I think I'd get more street cred than I'd know what to do with if I had a mistress from Argentina or really any old country. But clearly, I digress.

I'm out. If Quinton or Dawgnoxious post, great. If not, there's always the rest of the tubes.

BTW -- Why did airlines do away with these uniforms? In my humble opinion, they are the very model of professionalism and commerce.


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