Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Going to Have to Disagree with You There

Fifth Level Warlocks don't give back rings
Jeff Shultz talked to Paul Johnson about the sanctions handed down to Georgia Tech by the NCAA.  Apparently CPJ doesn't like being told that trying to hide a possible violation is a big no-no.  His retort:
"At the very least, Johnson wants it known that the Yellow Jackets gained no competitive advantage before the conference title win over Clemson. Also, he’s not giving his ring back."
I guess that is one way to look at it.  As PWD pointed out, there is an alternative view. Thomas caught a 70 yard TD pass on a 1 play drive in a game decided by five points in which he should've been sitting down pending the outcome of his investigation. Anyone think AJ Green would have given Georgia a competive advantage in the first four games last season?

Tech rolled the 12 sided dice and came up with whatever the worse possible roll in Dungeons and Dragons is. I didn't bother to look it up on the Intertubes.  I understand Johnson's frustration with the Monsters in Indy (ok, I did a little research), but trying to alibi after the fact only serves to make them look even more smarmy.  It makes Johnson look like an bigger jackass, to boot.


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