Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barnhart on the SEC East

Tony Barnhart is back blogging at, and it's good to have him back. Today, he posts a quick hitter regarding the SEC East.

As far as I'm concerned, Georgia's spring practice looks like it could be labeled the "Spring of Unanswered Questions." Our biggest problems going into next season are:
1. Defensive End - There aren't enough healthy DEs to get a feel for the talent level in the Spring.

2. Running Back - Samuel is out for Spring, and King will be going against the defense operating without elite DEs.

3. Defensive Back - We may know more here after the Spring.

4. Leadership - You never know until you face real adversity. Seriously, has there ever been a spring in which Van Halanger hasn't said, "The unity and chemistry is the best I've seen in years." (UPDATE: To clarify. This wasn't a shot at Coach Van. I think he's excellent at his job. However, his boundless public optimism clouds any ability to really judge where the team actually is heading. It's not a shot at him.)

5. Kickoff Coverage - Jon Fabris still appears to run the kickoff coverage unit so I'm not expecting any changes or improvements here. Once a hard headed, inflexible man unwilling to change his broken approach despite mountains of statistical evidence that it isn't working; always a hard headed, inflexible man, blah, blah, blah. If they fix Blair Walsh's kickoff stroke to mirror his field goal stroke, it would go a long way towards resolving some of our issues here. That and putting fast scholarship athletes with experience in delivering collisions on the field.

We're really not going to know if any of those issues are fixed until we hit Stillwater. Biggest thing we can hope for in the Spring is that Cox looks poised and confident like he did vs. Colorado in 2006 or early last season. That and NO INJURIES!


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