I've seen much hand wringing over whether or not this means all the off season talk about leadership and improved focus is bogus. Guys...it's May 11th and there haven't been any arrests or meaningful trouble, and we're not on the Big Board for the Fulmer Cup in any significant way.
From where I'm sitting, only two players suspended as of today is improvement.
UGA isn't any more lawless or corrupt than any other school. You show me 85 college guys age 18-22, and I'll show you a group with at least two people who are at risk to flunk a drug test. I'd take that bet with any BCS school in any sport just as quickly as I'd take it with any student population on any campus.
I'm not condoning drug use. That's not me. I've never even smoked a cigarette. I'm just saying that two kids pinched this off season doesn't mean the wheels are coming off. If this action is followed by another handful of suspensions, then I'll freak.
I'm glad that we're more aggressive and consistent than some other schools regarding drug / booze related suspensions. I'm just not sure that being quite so transparent about it helps build our brand. The Gator approach of suspensions without telling anyone until after it happens seems to make more sense. Although their lack of commitment to giving the suspension on the "next" game vs. the next easy game would make me uncomfortable as a fan. Where's the disincentive there?
That said....it's an extremely big deal to face Oklahoma State's passing game without Justin Houston bringing pressure from the rush end spot. Losing Figgins is a lesser issue, and losing Wilson isn't an issue to me. Others disagree. Several others actually.
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