Thursday, March 11, 2010

Of Clemson and Spring Football

Kyle King is all about playing Clemson in 2013. I am too, but I don't get why we're playing Clemson (2013/2014) and Oregon (2015, 2016) the same cycled home and home years as Georgia Tech. In other words, we're on the road at GT and Clemson in '13 and on the road at Oregon and GT in '15. That's the opposite of the way we've scheduled most of our other big OCC games since 2002 (Ok State aside).

I'm also in agreement with Blutarsky that the idea of playing Clemson in a Spring exhibition would also be fun. I will add to his take that we already do this with Clemson in Basketball. The NCAA allows for one closed scrimmage (no fans and no media) between schools per year, and UGA has elected to pair up with Clemson 3-4 times over the past few years. The match-ups started with Felton and Purnell as they were old friends, and it continued this year between Fox and Purnell.

I see little value in playing Clemson more than one series per decade in football (regular season). Mainly because it benefits them more than us in terms of in state recruiting. However, I'd like to see us play them every year for the rest of eternity in basketball. The old football mentality of "Clemson is an enemy" helps fill seats for basketball. And seat filling regional games would be a huge asset to basketball.


(Update: The original headline was "Of Clemson and Spring Break." It should've read "Of Clemson and Spring Football.")

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