Panoramic of North Campus. Click to Enlarge (Image: Wes M.)
Around the neighborhood:
- Jancek turns down USF - It wouldn't have hurt my feelings to see us try some different personnel on the defensive side of the ball; however, it does speak to the stability of the staff to have this kind of continuity on board.
- Mat Drills - On Sunday, Hale did a piece on mat drills. I don't think I've mentioned this here before, but I've actually seen about an hour of video from UGA's mat drill sessions (no. I can't post it). At first it doesn't look as brutal as you'd think. Partially because the volume was intentionally cut off of the tape. Then you realize that these guys are in a full lather as they hit each station, and they are going wide open. I jokingly told a friend that some of drills on the mats look like break dance moves if the break dance competition involved a very large man exploding out of a helicopter or back spin with the intent of pummeling an imaginary QB at the end.
Hale references one station with "a series of agility tests performed inside a four-and-a-half-foot-tall cage made from PVC pipes" This is the one that most interested me. Watching a 6'5" 300 pound man scoot through this apparatus you get a feel for who can really move their feet. It's impressive what these guys sacrifice to put a good product on the field. - Kiffin is Dumb - The latest on the back and forth from Kiffin comes from Blutarsky.
- The Coaching Search - Hugh Durham talks with the Macon paper about the UGA basketball program and the coaching search.
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